Monday, November 14, 2011


Art Miami 2011 features Bernice Steinbaum who discusses the melting pot of artists and their artwork.

At Art Miami 2011, many artists as stated by Dr. Steinbaum have shown the melting pot of art and have amplified the meaning of this word and ways to express it. Galleries from all over the world displayed their work and took a risk with political, cultural, and social themes. Many featured commentary on society including an angel that stood at the entrance with what looked like spilled blood all over her white dress and wings. Other artists showed subjects of homosexuality that made people uncomfortable or quite the opposite, while one particular gallery displayed political sculptures on the matters of Cuban Communism.

This melting pot was one one inch wide but certainly one mile deep and although Art Basel 2011, and Red Dot Fair 2011 were within walking distance, Art Miami 2011 presented an impressive challenge to both fairs with the variation of artists and the talent that roamed the tents. This event was overwhelmed everyone,as it was nearly impossible to cover that much ground and absorb that much content in one day. It began outside with shirt installations and slowly made its way into the three tents that were crowded by art collectors from all over the world as well as art lovers looking to satisfy their annual hunger for the newest art. Many sold and few flopped but I daresay nothing but talent filled the air.